Onto glacier scree slopes and boulder bounced moraine,
Onto sheep bells echoing round the hot rocks,
Onto the smoky blue water of Lac des Huats, Lac Gaudo and the cascades,
Onto the étangs full of melt water where my fingers froze,
Onto the pines, our sweat and sun-shined skin,
Onto the bonjours and saluts and smiles exchanged,
Onto the clack, clack of walking pole on rock,
Onto orchid, gentian, white and red campion and clover, purple iris, pink dianthys, azalea and vetch,
Onto the gypaètes, white-headed vast winged vultures, circling in a shadowless sky,
Onto the yellow beaked choughs tumbling by,
Onto the furry marmots shuffling around,
Onto this high refuge here at Baysellance, impossibly perched,
Vignemale smiles down
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