Mindfulness is knowing what is happening, when it is happening, without preference
Rob Nairn
Mindfulness is a turning towards life….To live life as if each moment is important, as if each moment counted and could be worked with, even if it is a moment of pain, sadness, despair or fear
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Mindfulness is loving all the details of our lives
Pema Chodron
I have completed 3 years of training with the Mindfulness Association and the Train to Teach courses. I was awarded my readiness to teach certificate for the Mindfulness Based Living Course at Samye Ling in January 2020. I teach the MBLC course as part of my work as a Thistle Foundation Wellbeing Practitioner in Mayfield in Midlothian.
I believe that a grounding in mindfulness and compassion can help free us from the turmoil of the thinking mind, can help us to experience our deep interconnections – both to each other and to the earth, and can help us to develop our full potential to be effective agents for change in the world. Research has shown that a regular mindfulness practice can:
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Improve sleep and eating habits
- Help us cope with long-term conditions and pain
- Improve quality of life
- Improve relationships
I am a trained social worker and practice teacher and have worked in user-led disability and campaigning organisations for around 30 years. I am excited about the potential of bringing mindfulness to those for whom it is often inaccessible.
Audio files for the practices on the Mindfulness Based Living Course.
Recognising the Unsettled Mind:
Settling the mind:
Memories of Kindness:
Settling, grounding, resting with the support of sound:
3 stage breathing space:
Settling, grounding, resting with the support of breath:
Mindful Movement:
Loving kindness for other:
Noticing the content of the undercurrent:
Loving kindness for self and other:
Noticing the attitude of the observer:
RAIN practice:
Breath support with a light touch: